All tagged theme park

The Great Lakes area (1970-1995) features a record store with the classics of disco, punk, R&B, soul, pop, new wave, heavy metal, grunge, alt rock, etcetera—and there’s an adjoining laundromat where the glass faces of the washing machines are all playing music videos from different eras and genres, with parabolic loudspeakers overhead to sync the songs to their particular acoustic areas.

Phoenicians, Egyptians, Priests, Gutenberg, colonial pamphlets, newspapers, newsboys, Woodward & Bernstein, the 24-hour news cycle, dissemination and tribalism on the internet, the eternal battle of truth against lies, etcetera.

A walkthrough attraction exploring Aztec ruins, full of treasure, traps, thrills, and displays of architecture and history. For instance, step on pressure plates in a hallway and they trigger “poison darts” (puffs of pressurized air to blast you, as if you’re being shot at). The story unfolds at your walking pace.

Horror amusement park recreating the Pripyat amusement grounds (dilapidated carnival rides) with a lot of walk-around areas specifically designed to be creepy and feature little else—the apparent lack of life, occupants, and rules.