OpenArticle is for uncompromising narratives, never tied to single a topic and typically left open-ended.
It is built on a passion for original storytelling, sharing history, and exploring the unknown.
My goal is to produce bold content and contribute to the projects of others, so that our world may be a more prosperous place with more conscious and interested people.
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Welcome to OpenArticle. My name is Kris, and these are my stories.
From "exposition," in reference to the World's Fair, and the suffix "-arium," meaning "a place for..."
Sometimes we need a new word... and sometimes we need a thousand.
A colonial rebel fighting for America's independence. Legend held he was battle-ready at a minute's notice — hence the name.
See also: a democratic land-based ICBM produced during the Cold War.
Also known as the ocean sunfish, it is the heaviest known bony fish, often weighing as much as a 2002 Honda Accord.
Females can produce up to three hundred-million eggs at a time.
Theodore Roosevelt coined the term to describe the opportunity granted to him, by the presidency, to be heard by the masses.
Of course, in our time, the internet allows everyone to have their own soapbox — and this is mine.
German for "apothecary of knowledge," this subsection dives deep into the histories of fascinating Citoyens de l'époque—or, citizens of the era.
Featured here are narrative nonfiction and biographies spread across a series of installments.
Humans have gathered around campfires since time immemorial. The first flames were kindled for cooking, but firelight soon lent itself to the community, as a venue for conversation, canticles, storytelling, and s'mores.
Around this campfire, you'll find heroes and villains, legends and myths, and good old-fashioned book learnin'.