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Theme park for Avatar: The Last Airbender

Northern Water Tribe - simulation unleashing the power of the avatar state.
Northern Air Temple - hanging coaster (gliders).
Ba Sing Se - walled city featuring array of shops and eateries, including…
Tea House - café of the White Lotus, with Pai Sho games, beverages, and light meals.
The Drill - VR shooting gallery, earthbending rocks down upon the metal worm that besieges the wall underfoot, shaking your foundation.
Lake Laogai - cavernous, eerie, green-lit boat ride with precipitous drops.
Serpents Pass - single-rail coaster with big hills over water.
Wan Shi Tong's Library - subterranean exploration leads to an owl-fleeing dark ride, after stealing a scroll of particular import.
Omashu mail chutes - urban-embedded high-speed steel coaster.
Foggy Bottom Swamp - hickish marshy flume ride.
Boiling Rock - prison break ‘splashdown’ attraction, with the cart being a fridge unit and the water lit by subsurface red/orange LEDs to look like lava.
Ember Island Players - parodic theatre show.
Invasion of Black Sun - EMV ride against defensive Fire Nation battlements.
Penguin sliding - kiddie coaster on mock-ice.

…and more.

Original document created 09/25/2019.

moments that could totally go into a movie

Loose Ideas for Films, Shorts, etc.